Did you know that one out of 3 women over 50 will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis? For women over 60 the rate is 1 out of 2. Men don’t fare much better: 1 out of 3 men over 60 will also suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis. According to the international Osteoporosis Foundation, the annual rate of hip fractures in women is greater than the rates of heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer combined.

Many people have turned to bisphosphonate drugs to prevent bone loss, but the FDA has recently reported some serious side effects for these drugs, one of which is hip fractures! According to the most recent FDA advice concerning bisphosphonate drugs, they may not be suitable for long term maintenance of bone health.

How Alkaline Water Can Help

Medical research on the benefits of alkaline water for bone health has shown that drinking alkaline water reduces two important markers of bone loss: PTH and S-CTX. One study demonstrated that alkaline water reduced bone loss even for people who got enough calcium in their diet.

Drinking alkaline water provides two important benefits that can help you maintain healthy bones. Minerals that are essential for bone health such as calcium are easier for your body to absorb from water than they are from food or supplements. Alkaline water raises the pH of your urine, and research shows that higher urinary pH is associated with lower rates of bone loss.

Drinking alkaline water is safer than taking bisphosphonate drugs, there are no side effects. Medical research to prove that alkaline water has long term benefits for bone health is ongoing, but research has shown conclusively that long term consumption of alkaline water is safe.

How to Maintain Your Bones with Alkaline Water

What you must do is protect the bones you have, alkaline water isn’t a cure, it’s a preventative measure. The younger you are when you start drinking alkaline water, the better your chances are of fighting bone loss.

Alkaline water can provide you with beneficial minerals, but it doesn’t have Vitamin D. Make sure you get sufficient quantities of Vitamin D along with your water! It is surprisingly easy to get Vitamin D, go outside and get some sun! One half hour per day of sunshine not only lifts your spirits, it makes Vitamin D! If you can’t get sun, taking a Vitamin D supplement is a good idea.

Drink alkaline water with an 8.5 – 9.5 pH daily, that is the range that medical research suggests is best for maintaining your pH balance. When you exercise, drink alkaline water with a higher pH because your muscles are generating excess lactic acid. Alkaline water with a pH range of 10 – 11 is recommended when you need to fight excess acidity. You should also drink 10 – 11 pH alkaline water if you experience acid indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. All of those conditions are symptoms of excessive acidity, which your body tries to fight by stealing calcium from your bones!

Love the bones you got, start drinking alkaline water as soon as possible. You can get a home water ionizer, alkaline filter pitchers, or even additives to make your water alkaline. A home water ionizer is the most convenient way to get alkaline water because the machine allows you to control the pH, and filters the water to make sure it is clean.

  • June 24, 2022by Naomi